Tuesday, November 5, 2013

True Stories

I want to share with you about my wonderful little 4 year old, Eli. He has always been the "strong willed" type...and yes, by that I mean STUBBORN! lol  I couldn't love the kid anymore then I already do, but his stubbornness can make for some very challenging days. well the past few weeks he's seemed to be getting better, at least about throwing big 2 year old tantrums when he doesn't get his way. He in turn has become a creative thinker and story teller lately. He will come up and tell me these elaborate stories that aren't true...but he will swear up and down that they are true. 

After explaining the difference  between just being silly and telling funny stories and lying he seemed to understand...or so I thought. I told him it was ok to tell silly, funny, not true stories as long as you told whoever you were talking to that your just pretending, and how you should never tell someone something that isn't true and promise them that it is true because that would be lying. 

So the other day as we were in the car Eli says to me "Mom, I've got to tell you this very true, true, true....TRUE story" I said "Ok E, tell me your true story." The following is the story that unfolded...

ELI: The other day I was taking a dump and out came the biggest turd I've ever seen and in my poop was a huge diamond! 

Seeing that maybe he hasn't totally grasped the idea of when you say something is true...that is actually NEEDS to be true...I went along with his story so I could see how far he would take it.

ME: Really? So what did you do with that big diamond???

ELI: I just threw it out in the yard.

ME: What? No way!!! Diamonds are worth A LOT of money...and you just threw it out in the yard for anyone to come take it??? Aww man! You could have be rich!

After about 15 seconds of pondering he came back with this quick reply...

ELI: Well mom...is was raining outside, and the diamond had poop all over it. The rain washed the poop off it and then I went and picked it up! (all with a hint of "duh, mom why don't you know this already?" tone in his voice.)

ME: Oh, well that's a good thing. So what did you do with your big diamond? Did you buy something with it cause I haven't seen your big diamond anywhere. 

ELI: Yeah, I bought a brand new bunk bed!

ME: Really? Well where is it??? I didn't see any new bunk bed in your room.

And without a second's pause he came back with this...

ELI: Well I didn't by it for me! I bought a tiny little bunk bed for the baby mice up in the attic!

 Just a few days before this we had found two baby mice that escaped from the attic (that Eli wanted to keep as pets and we refused! lol)

ME: Wow, you only got one tiny little bunk bed for your big 'ol diamond??? I think you got ripped out E, cause you could have gotten a lot more with that big of a diamond. 

ELI: Well, I didn't just get one tiny bunk bed...I got thousands of them! 

ME: Wow! Really?!?!?! Thousands???? Where on earth are you going to put all those bunk beds? 

ELI: MOM!!!!! (with that same tone of "For real mom....you don't get this yet?") I had to get more then one tiny bunk bed cause the mice have brothers and sisters you know! They all have to have beds to sleep in don't they???

ME: Well that was nice of you to spend all of the money you would have had from the diamond on someone else. So your telling me if when we get home and I go up into the attic, I will find a ton of little, tiny mice bunk beds up there....cause you told me this was a true story???

ELI: Yep, its a true, true, TRUE story. 

And that was his true, and he was sticking to it! lol While on one hand I secretly am applauding his creativity, on the other hand I think I may have to reiterate the whole lesson on telling  people your just being silly when your making up stories and not telling people they are really true. lol

Monday, November 4, 2013

Busy October

Sorry it's been awhile since my last post. October proved to be a kind of hectic month. The boys have bowling every Saturday, I was making all 4 of the kiddos halloween costumes this year and my parents were up for a nice visit. Add homeschooling and regular house duties with that and there just never seemed to be enough hours in my days....I'm starting to learn that this will probably be my "new normal" for the next 18 years or so. lol 

Now...on to brag about my cute little trick or treaters...instead of writing I will just show you pics of my cutie kiddies :)

Jeremiah was a Robot...and about a week after trick or treating he still wants to put his costume on a daily basis. lol 

Elias was a Dinosaur...he also wants to put his dino on every day. 

Charlotte was an elephant...after all that IS her favorite animal in the whole wide world :)

And Vivian was a cute little Cabbage Patch kid. 

They all had a blast trick or treating in Lisite and going to the Halloween Parade up at the Georgian Place. Eric says I put WAY to many man hours into making their costumes...and he is probably right, but to me it makes it more special for them. They help out as much as they can and I think it makes for some awesome bonding and great memories. Lets face it...in 20 years is Jeremiah going to come up to me and say "Hey mom,  remember that cool halloween costume you bought me at the store that one year?" or will he more likely say  "Hey, mom remember that time we made a robot costume when I was little, that was so cool!" That's what it's all about...building fun filled memories with my kiddos. :)

It was nice that both Nana and Gram got to go trick or treating with them this year. :)

Actually Nana and Pa got to be apart of halloween, pumpkin carving, trick or treating, some shopping at the mall along with eating out at Red Lobster, a trip to Sweet Frog, a birthday party and even some bowling. Throw in the non-stop, never ending question of "Can we go in your camper again?", coloring endless pages in coloring books and just the non-stop craziness that is the Foster household and I'd have to say my parents survived with minimal permeant damage. lol

My parents just left this morning and already the boys are talking about what they are going to do with Nana and Pa they next time they come up to visit. :) Thanks mom and dad for making some fun memories with my kiddos and I. Love ya!